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Auf dieser Seite stelle ich ein paar Libellenbilder meiner USA- Tour aus dem Jahre 2019 vor, die mich durch die Bundesstaaten: Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Utah und Colorado führte. Zum "mittleren Westen" gehören definitionsgemäß zwar nur die ersten drei Bundesstaaten. Da es aber eine zusammenhängende Tour war, werden die Libellensichtungen aus den anderen Bundesstaaten unter der genannten Kategorie mitgeführt.
Zunächst stelle ich die Großlibellen vor (auf englisch: Dragonfly), danach die Kleinlibellen (auf englisch: Damselfly). 

Die Reihenfolge ist dabei alphabetisch, wobei ich mich nach der englischen Artbezeichnung richte. Der lateinische Name steht jeweils in Klammern dazu.

AMERICAN EMERALD (Cordulia shurtleffi)

American Emerald - MW
American Emerald - Turtle M. - 28.06.201

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

American Emerald - Metigoshe - 27.06.201

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

American Emerald 2- Turtle M. - 28.06.20

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest,
North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BAND-WINGED MEADOWHAWK (Sympetrum semicinctum)

Band-winged Meadowhawk - MW
Band-winged Meadohawk - S. Mattheson Pr.

Foto: (w) S. Matheson Wetlands Preserve, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

BELTED WHITEFACE (Leucorrhinia proxima)

Belted Whiteface - MW
Belted whiteface - Lake Metigoshe SP - 2

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Belted W.- Turtle M. - 28.06.2019.jpg

Foto: (m, juvenil) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Belted Whiteface - Lake Metigoshe SP - 2

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Belted Wh.- Turtle M. - 28.06.2019.jpg

Foto: (w) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Blue-eyed Darner - MW

BLUE-EYED DARNER (Rhionaeschna multicolor)

Blue eyed2 - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Blue eyed4 - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Blue eyed5 - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1

Foto: (w) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Blue eyed - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1

Foto: (w) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah,
USA, Juli 2019 

Blue eyed3 - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1

Foto: (w) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah,
USA, Juli 2019 

BOREAL WHITEFACE (Leucorrhinia borealis)

Boreal Whiteface - MW
Boreal Whitefasce (1 von 1).jpg

Foto: (w) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 


Chalk-fronted Corporal
Chalk-Fronted Corporal - Metigoshe - 25.

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 


Common-green Darner - MW
Common Green Darner - Am. Königslibelle

Foto: (m) S. Matheson Wetlands Preserve, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Common Green Darner - Amerik. Königslibe

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota,
USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-tailed Whiteface

DOT-TAILED WHITEFACE (Leucorrhinia intacta)

Dot-tailed Whitface m - Metigoshe - 25.0

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-tailed Whitface3 - Lake Metigoshe SP

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-tailed Whitface - Metigoshe - 25.06.

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-tailed Whitface4 - Metigoshe - 25.06

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-tailed Whitface2 - Lake Metigoshe SP

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-taild W. - Turtle M. - 28.06.2019 (1

Foto: (w) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-T. Whieface - Lake Meigoshe - 27.06.

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Dot-tailed Whitface - Lake Metigoshe SP

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

EIGHT-SPOTTED SKIMMER (Libellula forensis)

Eight-spotted Skimmer - MW
Eight spotted skimmer - Middle Fork - 05

Foto: (w) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

HUDSONIAN WHITEFACE (Leucorrhinia hudsonica)

Hudsonian Whiteface - MW
Hudsonian W. -  Yellow - 02.07.2019 (1 v

Foto: (w) Yellowstone Nationalpark, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

HORNED CLUBTAIL (Arigomphus cornutus)

Horned Clubtail - MW
Horned - Turtle M. - 28.06.2019 (1 von 1

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Horned m- Turtle M. - 28.06.2019 (1 von

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Hurned Clubtail - Metigoshe - 25.06.2019

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Hurned Clubtail w- Metigoshe - 26.06.201

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

MOUNTAIN EMERALD (Somatochlora semicircularis)

Mountain Emerald - MW
Mountain Emerald -  Yellowstone  - 30.06

Foto: (w) Yellowstone Nationalpark, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 


Paddle-tailed Darner - MW
paddle - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1 von

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Paddle-tailed Darner, White River NF - 1

Foto: (m, juvenil) White River National Forest, Silverthorne, Colorado, USA, Juli 2019 

paddle t- Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1 vo

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden,
Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Pale snaketail - MW

PALE SNAKETAIL (Ophiogomphus severus)

Pale Snaketail - Medicine Bow - 11.07.20

Foto: (w) Medicine Bow National Forest, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

RACKET-TAILED EMERALD (Dorocordulia liberia)

Racked-tailed Emerald
Racked-Tailed Emerald - Turtle - 28.06.2

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

SPINY BASKETTAIL (Epitheca spinigera)

Spiny Baskettail
Spiny Baskettail - Metigoshe - 25.06.201

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Spiny Baskettail m- Metigoshe - 25.06.20

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Spiny Baskettail3 - Metigoshe - 25.06.20

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Spiny Baskettail w- Metigoshe - 25.06.20

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

SPOT-WINGED GLIDER (Pantala hymenaea)

Spot-winged Glider
Spot-w. Glider -  S. Mattheson Pr. - 08.

Foto: (m) S. Matheson Wetlands Preserve, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

STRIPED MEADOWHAWK (Sympetrum pallipes)

Striped Meadowhawk - MW
striped m.- Medicine Bow - 11.07.2019 (1

Foto: (w) Medicine Bow National Forest, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

TWELVE-SPOTTED SKIMMER (Libellula pulchella)

Twelve-spotted Skimmer - MW
Twelve spotted skimmer - Badlands NP - 2

Foto: (w) Badlands Nationalpark, South Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

VARIABLE DARNER (Aeshna interrupta)

Variable Darner - MW
Variable Darner - Lake Metigoshe SP - 26

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Variable Darner -  Lake Metigoshe SP - 2

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Variable Darner - 09.07.2019 - Grand Mes

Foto: (w) Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado, USA, Juni 2019 

Variable Darner - 09.07.2019 - Grand Mes

Foto: (w) Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado, USA, Juni 2019 

VARIAGATED MEADOWHAWK (Sympetrum corruptum)

Variagated Meadowhawk - MW
VM - Ogden Bay - 04.07.2019 (1 von 1).jp

Foto: (m) Ogden Bay Wildlife Management Area, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Var. Mead. - littlem. - 29.06.2019 (1 vo

Foto: (w) Little Missouri National Grassland, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Western Pondhawk - MW

WESTERN PONDHAWK (Erythemis collocata) 

Western Pondhawk - Ogden Bay - 04.07.201

Foto: (w) Ogden Bay Wildlife Management Area, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

WHITE-FACED MEADOWHAWK (Sympetrum obtrusum)

White-faced Meadowhawk
White Faced M. - Lake Metigoshe - 27.06.

Foto: (w, juvenil) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

NORTHERN SPREADWING (Lestes disjunctus)

Northern Spreadwing - MW
Northern spreadwing - Lake Metigoshe SP

Foto: (m) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Northern spreadwing - Lake Metigoshe SP

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

PLAINS FORKTAIL (Ischnura damula)

Plaints Forktail
Plaints Forktail m- Pelican Lake RA - 27

Foto: (m) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Plaints Forktail - Pelican Lake RA - 27.

Foto: (w) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Plaints Forktail2 - Pelican Lake RA - 27

Foto: (w) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Plaints Forktail - Pelican Lake RA - 27.

Foto: (w) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Plaints Forktail5 - Pelican Lake RA - 27

Foto: (w) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Plaints Forktail4 - Pelican Lake RA - 27

Foto: (w) Pelican Lake, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

Spotted Spreadwing - MW

SPOTTED SPREADWING (Lestes congener)

spotted spreadwing -  S. Mattheson Pr. -

Foto: (m) S. Matheson Wetlands Preserve, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Spotted spreadwing w -  S. Mattheson Pr.

Foto: (w) S. Matheson Wetlands Preserve, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

VIVID DANCER (Argia vivida)

Vivid Daner - MW
Vivid Dancer - Middle Fork - 06.07.2019

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

VD - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1 von 1).

Foto: (w) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

WESTERN FORKTAIL (Ischnura perparva)

Western Forktail - MW
western forktail - Middle Fork - 05.07.2

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

Die Unterscheidung der in den USA vorkommenden Azur- und Becherjungfern (die allesamt unter der Gattungsbezeichnung "Bluet" geführt werden) ist anhand von Fotos extrem schwierig. Ich stelle einige Fotos vor, die ich unter der Bezeichnung Bluet sp. führen werde. Eine Vermutung zur Art schreibe ich dabei in Klammern.

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Alkali = Enallagma clausum)

Bluet sp- MW
Bluet sp. (Alkali) - Walgreen Lake Nebra

Foto: (m) Walgreen Lake, Nebraska, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Alkali = Enallagma clausum)

Bluet sp. (Alkali) - Audubon - 25.06.201

Foto: (w) Audubon National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Boreal = Enallagma boreale)

Boreale Bluet - Audubon NWF - 25.06.2019

Foto: (m) Audubon National Wildlife Refuge, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Boreal = Enallagma boreale)

Bluet sp. (Boreal) -  Yellowstone  - 30.

Foto: (m) Yellowstone Nationalpark, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Boreal = Enallagma boreale)

Bluet sp. (Boreal) - Turtle M. - 28.06.2

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Boreal = Enallagma boreale)

Bluet sp. (Boreal) - Turtle M. - 28.06.2

Foto: (m, juvenil) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Boreal = Enallagma boreale)

Bluet sp. (Boreal) - Turtle M. - 28.06.2

Foto: (w) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest,
North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Boreal = Enallagma boreale)

Bluet sp1. (Boreal) - Turtle M. - 28.06.

Foto: (w) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest,
North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Hagen´s = Enallagma hageni)

Hagens Bluet - Lake Metigoshe SP - 27.06

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Hagen´s = Enallagma hageni)

Hagens Bluet - Lake Metigoshe SP - 26.06

Foto: (w) Lake Metigoshe State Park, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Marsh = Enallagma ebrium)

Bluet sp. (Marsh) - Turtle M. - 28.06.20

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest,
North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Marsh = Enallagma ebrium)

Bluet sp. (Marsh) - Turtle M. - 28.06.20

Foto: (m) Turtle Mountain State Recreation Forest, North Dakota, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Northern = Enallagma annexum)

Bluet sp. (Northern) - Walgreen Lake Neb

Foto: (w) Walgreen Lake, Nebraska, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Northern = Enallagma annexum)

Bluet sp. (Northern) - Walgreen Lake Neb

Foto: (w) Walgreen Lake, Nebraska, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Northern = Enallagma annexum)

Bluet sp. (Northern) - Walgreen Lake Neb

Foto: (w) Walgreen Lake, Nebraska, USA, Juni 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Taiga = Coenagrion resolutum)

Taiga Bluet - Teton - 03.07.2019 (1 von

Foto: (m) Grand Teton Nationalpark, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Taiga = Coenagrion resolutum)

Taiga Bluet - Medicine Bow - 11.07.2019

Foto: (m) Medicine Bow National Forest, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Tule = Enallagma carunculatum)

Tule Bluet - Middle Fork - 05.07.2019 (1

Foto: (m) Middle Fork State Wildlife Area, Ogden, Utah, USA, Juli 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Tule = Enallagma carunculatum)

Bluet sp. (Tule) -  Yellowstone  - 30.06

Foto: (w) Yellowstone Nationalpark, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Tule = Enallagma carunculatum)

Tule Bluet - Medicine Bow - 11.07.2019 (

Foto: (w) Medicine Bow National Forest, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019 

BLUET Sp. (evtl. Tule = Enallagma carunculatum)

Bluet sp. (Tule) - Yellow - 02.07.2019 (

Foto: (w) Yellowstone Nationalpark, Wyoming, USA, Juli 2019

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